Public Holidays in Canada - Quebec (2016)

Import these dates to your calendar See holidays for other countries
1 Jan 2016 (Friday) - Jour de l'An
New Year's Day
25 Mar 2016 (Friday) - Vendredi saint
Good Friday
Note: Either Good Friday or Easter Monday must be given as a paid statutory holiday, however most will give both days.
28 Mar 2016 (Monday) - Lundi de Pâques
Easter Monday
Note: Either Good Friday or Easter Monday must be given as a paid statutory holiday, however most will give both days.
23 May 2016 (Monday) - Journée nationale des patriotes
National Patriots’ Day
24 Jun 2016 (Friday) - Fête nationale du Québec
National Holiday of Quebec
1 Jul 2016 (Friday) - Fête du Canada
Canada Day
5 Sep 2016 (Monday) - Fête du travail
Labour Day
10 Oct 2016 (Monday) - Action de grâce
Thanksgiving Day
25 Dec 2016 (Sunday) - Noël
Christmas Day
{{getHolidayDate(x) + " - " + getLocalName(x, isObservedOnDefined(x))}}
{{getEnglishName(x, isObservedOnDefined(x))}}
Holiday in lieu of {{formatDate(,,, " ")}}
Note: {{getNote(x)}}
Import above dates to your Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or mobile phone. Learn how to import holiday dates to your favourite calendar application. Use following iCalendar URL:

Choose your preferred language:

Import to Google Calendar (just paste the URL from your clipboard in next step)